Pending, Acknowledged or Void - Partial Credit Screen

Use this screen to enter the vendor's credit information. When you select Acknowledge and Close, the status changes to Acknowledged.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
(document header) The blue document header displays the repair order summary information: RO Number, Owner, Vehicle (year, make, model), License (plate number), Estimator, Insurance Company, VIN, and Exterior Color.
RO nnnn - Partial Credit This field is the document name which includes the repair order number. The status can be Pending, Acknowledged, or Void.
Vendor Name This option is a droplist that allows you to select a vendor or a preferred vendor. This option also opens the create a new vendor screen. This field cannot be edited once the credit memo has been saved. This field is required.
(vendor contact card icon) Selecting or hovering you mouse over this icon opens the vendor contact information pop up window.
Request # This value is automatically generated. The request number combines the repair order number, the initials CM, and the actual document number of the partial credit (e.g., 12444-CM-001).
Request Date This value defaults to the current date, or enter a date.
Credit $ This is the requested credit amount.
Part Number The part number information of the select part line. This field cannot be edited.
Description The description of the part from the invoice. This field cannot be edited.
Part Type The part type value is from the invoice. This field cannot be edited.
Invoice Number This is the invoice number. Click this link to open the associated invoice. This field cannot be edited.
Received This is the invoice quantity of the part line. This field cannot be edited.
Unit Cost $ The invoice part line unit cost. This field cannot be edited.
Extended Cost $ This value is the amount of the invoice unit cost. This field cannot be edited.
Comments To Vendor Enter a description or explanation for the credit request. This field cannot be edited once the credit memo has been saved.
Attach - From Folder This allows you to browse to the folder location where attachments can be selected.
Attach - From Camera/Scanner This allows you to browse to the folder location of a camera or scanner where attachments can be selected.
Delete Selected attachments in the pane are removed using this option.
(attachment pane) Attachments that appear in this pane also appear in the workfile Attachments tab.
Original Part Cost $ This value is from the invoice part line cost. This field cannot be edited.
Vendor Credit $ The amount that was entered in the Credit $ field.
Revised Cost $ This is the amount that was entered from the Credit $ field and subtracted from the Original Part Cost $ value.
Labor Cost $ This is the total labor cost amount. This amount reflects the pay rate amount multiplied by the labor hours. This field is displayed when the assign labor option is enabled.
Total Cost $ This is the revised cost plus the labor cost amounts. This field is displayed when the assign labor option is enabled.
Labor Profit $ This is the labor cost amount subtracted from the credit amount. This field is displayed when the assign labor option is enabled.

Black text in this field indicates the vendor cost and labor cost amounts have the same value.

Red text in this field indicates the vendor credit amount is less than the labor cost amount.

Green text indicates the vendor credit amount is more than the labor cost amount.

Fields in Assign Labor part line grid

Field Label Description
I would like to assign labor to repair this part Select this option to enable the assign repair labor fields in the part line grid. This option does not appear when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
View Labor Assignment Click this link to open the Labor Assignment. This option is displayed when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
Technician / Team Select the technician or team from this droplist. This also enables the assign repair labor options in the grid. This option cannot be edited when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
(technician/team contact card icon) Hover your mouse over this icon to view a popup of the technician or team contact information.
(green $ icon) Hover your mouse over this icon to view a popup of the technician or team wage rate information.
Operation Select the technician team operation code from the droplist. Repair is default. This option cannot be edited when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
Description This is the part line description. This field can be edited. This option cannot be edited when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
Labor Type Select a labor type from this droplist. Body is default. This option cannot be edited when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
Assigned Enter the labor hours value in this field. This option cannot be edited when the document status is Pending or Acknowledged.
Pay Rate $ This amount is the hourly pay rate for the technician or team. This value is from the employee or team record. This field cannot be edited.
Total Cost $ This value is the assigned hours value multiplied by the pay rate amount. This field cannot be edited.

Toolbar, menu options and other fields on the screen

Field Label Description
File The menu bar File options include Save and New, Save and Close, Print Preview, Print, and Close. The Acknowledge and Close option is displayed when the document status is pending or acknowledged.
Actions There are no options associated with this button.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save and Close This option saves the document and closes the screen.
Save and New This option saves the document, closes the current screen, and opens a new partial credit memo screen.
Print Select this button to display a droplist with printing options.
Print Preview View the printed document on screen.
Close This option closes the screen without saving any changes.

See Also

Acknowledging a Pending Credit Memo

Voiding a Pending Credit Memo







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